1 on 1 Bi-Monthly Strengths Coaching

” Every person needs a coach.”- Gallup Organization.

These successful people… Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo DiCaprio, Serena Williams, Hugh Jackman, and Eric Schmidt (former CEO of Google),  have utilized a coach to help them to reach their potential.  Utilize our personal services to understand your strengths, needs, triggers, overuse patterns, and the operating beliefs of your strengths. SEE yourself and others with more acuity, accelerate your performance and results, and learn what you need to avoid frustration and mitigate through weakness. By applying our proven methods, you will experience improved relationships and most importantly embrace your true value.

Couples Workshop

Discover the Best in Your Other Half

A date that will truly make all the difference! Together you get to see what really makes each other tick! Discover what your strengths really need and how to avoid toxic behaviors. Side by Side learn how to apply strengths strategies to Shift Up! Your relationship, improving it on every level.

Family Coaching

“Family is the most important thing in the world.”- Princess Diana

Are you ready to synergize with your family through strengths? This coaching session is an amazing experience. All members are invited to come and play. Interactive and insightful! Individuals see how they contribute to the collective whole. Discoveries around individual and collective needs are made.  Confidence is stimulated! Goals are made in interdependence. This coaching setting brings validation and energizes unity.

Parenting Workshop

“A child is a truly miraculous being.”- Mariah Montessori

Discover how to develop your children’s talents and learn to strengths spot! Create steps to cultivate an environment where children can thrive. Learn skills and tools to re-pattern, redirect and rejuvenate while increasing positive results with your kids! Decrease frustration by using your strengths tool belt.  Improve your ability to respond to children’s needs instead of reacting to behaviors. Grow in confidence with your child as you stay unconditionally curious and interdependently share in the love of family.

Womens Workshop

“You’ve always had the power my dear you just had to learn it for yourself.” Glenda (Wizard of Oz)

-Glenda (Wizard of Oz)

You are Enough! Discover how to unlock the power of your unique strengths to elevate the positive influence you have in the lives of the people you interact with each day.

Teens Workshop

“Why Fit in when you were born to stand out!”- Dr. Suess

Come discover how you are uniquely brilliant! See your true value and better appreciate the differences in others. Find out how others see your strengths contribute.  Learn to leverage your strengths to make every day a great day!

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